HCD Micro Masters

Micro Masters programs in
User Experience design

Discover the principles behind design and engineering with the HCD's cutting-edge program. The program focuses on innovative technologies and real-world solutions where students will discover hands-on experiences from international companies while working with award-winning staff. Start your UX accademics today
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Advance your career in User Experiance Design

HCD-Micro Masters



The HCD Micro Master of PGDPD in User Experience design is awarded for completing 27 credits spread across 12 Modules. The program features a progressively sequenced curriculum including theory and practice through digital studios and seminars, and involving three major components: Design techniques for researching the needs of people and organizations and developing and prototyping new ideas for products, services, and systems. Business tools for assessing market opportunities, modeling enterprises, and critically evaluating existing firms and industry sectors Theoretically informed discussions of challenges associated with contemporary economies, markets and of ways that ethically grounded professional leadership can help students to engage these challenges in the context of their careers constructively
1PGDP 1.Presentation and communication skills
• Introduction to presentation methods and technologies. Understanding and creative applications of these media. • Design principles for creating presentations, slides and report writing. • Creative writing, articulation, narration exercises. • Final Project: Documentation and presentation exercise
2PGDP 2. Elements of design
1. An introduction to basic elements: Line, texture, colour, form, symmetry, balance, scale, mass, unity and variety. • 2. Concept of visual language and visual design • Introduction to Gestalt Laws, composition and figure and ground relationship. • 3. Introduction to the concept of negative space. • Use of symmetry. 4. Generation of patterns and textures using simple elements. • Introduction to typography and fonts. • 5. Use of grids in graphic composition. • 6. Colour circle, colour combinations and its dimensions: hue, value and chroma. • 7. Colour meanings in traditions and psychological use of colours.
3PGDP 3. Studies in form 1
• Introduction to 2 dimensional and 3-dimensional form. Radii manipulation in 2D and 3D form • Exploration of surface textures in different materials. • 2 and 3D Form transition. Exploration of form to develop imagination and insight. • Use of metaphors to generate new forms. Concept of the family of forms. • Introduction to 3D geometry. Basic 3D Forms: cube, tetrahedron, octahedron etc. And their imaginative use in generating complex forms and structures. • Use of combinatorics as a method of 3D form generation. • Form, material and process relationship.
4PGDP 4. Product Design 1
• Design Definitions and Design Spectrum • Product Attributed – Function and Emotion • Product configurations and Component relationships (component Matrix) • Introduction to Design Research • Product Analysis – Diachronic, Synchronic • Understanding and Analysis – Diachronic, Synchronic • Understanding and Analyzing contexts, parallel situations, future situations • Understanding modularity and modular systems – 3D lattice and structures • Design of Modular System – abstract design • Process of conception and its documentation • Seminar and exercises related to the above topics
5PGDP 5. Science and liberal arts
This is an exposure course to Indian thought and traditions which will cover various domains like Indian visual art, oral traditions, music, dance, theatre, science, health and architecture and society that make India stand out uniquely as a nation because of its diversity of cultures, languages, religions and customs Visual Art – Traditional and contemporary schools of Indian Art, folk art Oral Traditions from the ancient to the present Music – Classical (Hindustani & Carnatic), Semi-classical, Folk, Fusion Dance – Classical, Folk, Contemporary Theatre – Traditional (Natashastra), Contemporary, Puppet Theatre Science – An understanding of the scientific approach to everything and the holistic approach to it and how it influenced all aspects like health, architecture, management and even the arts. Post-independence understanding of India as a nation and bridging the wealth of the past with the potential of the future.
6PGDP 6. Product Interface Design
• Investigations and study of visual, functional and ergonomic requirements of control and display interfaces. Legibility of display elements, the character of different typefaces and their readability. • Study of the process of building interactions. • The course involves an interdisciplinary approach including user-centred Design Process, Activity Analysis, Structuring of Content, Participatory Design, Experiential Ideation, Scenario The building, Linear and Animatic storyboarding, Soft Physical Prototyping Techniques. • The students will collaboratively design an interactive product interface.
7PGDP 7. Introduction to product ergonomics
Introduction to the concept of ergonomics in design • Analysis of MME system design, How to assess the interface design, Design methodology • Body dimensions and is an application in design • Dimensional optimization for the population and use of percentile • Design for the physically challenged • Mini Project work involving Ergonomic design research for product systems.
8 PGDP 8. Studies in form 2 - Compositions
• Form exploration in the context of products. • Expressions in Form like soft, hard, warm, cold, precise, gross, delicate, intense, fragile, rugged and more. • Study product expressions by analyzing elements like form, proportion, color, texture • Introduction to abstraction in form. Study of 3D abstraction in art and sculpture. Exploration of industrial material and processes as elements of design through 3D abstraction of entities in Nature.
9PGDP 9. Experience Design (PD2)
The emphasis of the course is on group design projects. The selection of the projects is based on the possibility of user interaction leading to innovation. Projects end with a comprehensive presentation through working/mock-up models, design drawing, and a report. • The project is supported by a detailed discussion on various stages in the design process, emphasizing the complementary nature of systematic and creative thinking.
10PGDP 10 Design issues
This course will contain two predominant approaches. The first is reflective, which will help students ponder the fundamental yet subjective questions like what makes a good designer. • It will deal with the tangible and intangible relevance of broadening one’s perspectives in Arts Aesthetics, Science, and Technology to design.
11 PGPD 11 Design Research Methodologies
This course offers an introduction to research methods used in the design process for post- graduate students of all branches of design. Topics which will be covered include: Introduction to qualitative research methods used in design, Introduction to quantitative methods, exploratory, inferential and casual research, Research Design and Introduction to Reading research and Reporting research.
12 PGPD 11 User Experience Design Mini Project
Follow the design process: empathize with users, define pain points, ideate solutions, create wireframes and prototypes, test and iterate on designs Understand the basics of UX research, like planning research studies, conducting interviews and usability studies, and synthesizing research results Apply foundational UX concepts, like user-centered design, accessibility, and equity-focused design Create a professional UX portfolio that includes 3 end-to-end projects: a mobile app, a responsive website, and a cross-platform experience
13 DIploma Project
The experience design projects are chosen in film and video, typography, information design, graphic design, illustrated books, and book design, animation, and interaction design. This is the equivalent of the final dissertation project leading to a diploma in Experience design Design.

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