HCD UX/CX certification

Explore Micro Graduation Programmes
at The HCD.

Career and accademic path in design, technology, and strategy

These programs are designed to create a base of design management, strategy, experience, and technology in aspirants to pursue their design academic life/career.

HCD |Micro Graduation| bridge programme

Micro Graduation| programs in
Design foundation

Our first few months at the hcd are a time of exploration and discovery that prepares students for their major, the rest of their education, and even life after school. The two semesters bring together making and reflecting on student studio work, immersing them in a range of art and design concepts, skills, and critical practices. They learn to apply systems thinking and problem-solving methods to all of the creative challenges before them. All foundation students at hcd follow a first-year curriculum, which provides a rigorous and dynamic launchpad for the rest of their creative life at the school.

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Explore hcd design foundation programmes



Product Design

This department of product design aims to provide thorough design theories and methods, including product aesthetics and human-centered design. We push the envelope of Product Design by educating the next generation of visionaries and implementers, who will embrace, reflect and address environmental, economic, and social-cultural challenges through the medium of creative dialogue. An interdisciplinary approach is adopted, allowing the students the freedom to challenge conventions through cross-collaborative experimentation and lateral thinking, to harness design ambiguity into a tangible outcome.



Interaction / UX Design

Interaction Design merges design skills such as user experience, interface development, and graphic designing to create meaningful experiences between the user and digital platforms such as social media, websites, and mobile devices. The essential skill required for Interaction Design is the ability to think from the perspective of the customer, user, or audience and think in systems to look at the bigger picture and understand the effects it can have on the system.



Information Design

The program teaches students how to translate information and data into meaningful visual forms, narratives, and interfaces. It enables students to develop innovative solutions to complex problems by combining analytical and creative skills and seamless customer experiences across multiple platforms. The course will help develop knowledge, skills, and aptitude to process complex information and translate it into compelling visual forms and narratives for different platforms.

HCD Mentors

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at The HCD.

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Enroll in our fall semester now.