Foster collaborative learning at workplace with an LMS

Minimalism in UX Design for Healthier Smartphone Engagement
November 23, 2021
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Foster collaborative learning at workplace with an LMS

“Collaboration allows us to know more than we are capable of knowing by ourselves.” – Paul Solarz. Back in 2014, a study conducted by Brandon Hall on collaborative and social learning found that 85% of companies had started experimenting with social learning. Collaboration is indeed one of the key factors to run an organisation successfully. Social learning in the workplace plays a significant role in a collaborative learning environment. However, it’s not necessary to overthink how to create a collaborative culture within the company. Instead, you may focus on simpler solutions such as implementing an employee training management system with collaborative learning features like forums, announcements, messages, polls, surveys, screen sharing, video conferencing, and real-time chat, which are optimal. These features make it easier for employees to stay connected with their fellow workers. Besides, a learning management system helps them do collaborative learning in effective and meaningful ways. The best LMS search ends here. Have you tried Mykademy yet? Book a demo or start with a 14-day free trial. Get Started Let us see in-depth about collaborative learning, its necessity in the workplace, and how collaborative tools and features can help employees learn and boost their performance. What is collaborative learning? Collaborative learning is a digital learning approach where learners can interact with their peers and tutors. Collaborative learning is based on the concept that learners can enhance their learning experiences by interacting with others and benefiting from each other. In collaborative learning situations, learners are responsible for everyone’s actions and tasks, promoting teamwork. Learning takes place through collaboration between individuals who share their knowledge and experiences for the greater good. The chief principles of collaborative learning are: Socialisation/Social learning Participation Reflection Discussion Collaboration for self-development

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